What is the difference today between quality and quantity? What would you rather have, a closet full of trendy bike parts that hold up for maybe a month or two, or a a couple of modern classics in your trunk that last forvever.
Well this is more of a mindset, not so much an issue over your current sponsor situation. There is always a decision to be made when it comes to what we choose to put into our lives in this day in age. We can fill ourselves with attachments to the things we gather day to day or we can spend time on cherishing and cultivating the items and knowledge we already own. This topic can span over many instances in our lives but here we ‘DIG’ into the matter at hand, which is the longevity and vitality of those who call BMX their safe place. This is such an important subject to those interested in seeing a positive change in BMX. Now it’s time to see that change, not just talk about it happening. I caught up with long time Illinois native, now Arizona local, Jeff Wescott, to see what this seasoned rider has to say to accompany his latest video from Christian Rigal for Mutiny Bikes.